house of thunder
have the old than Totomoxtle and Coatzintlali was a cavern into which the
ancient priests had erected a temple to the god of thunder, rain and river
water. In ancient times were not yet
arrived Hispanics and the mighty race, now known as Totonac, who inhabited the
place then called Totonac. seven priests
met every time it was necessary to cultivate the land and sowing seeds and
harvesting the fruits, seven times invoked the deities of the time chanting and
shouting from the rooftops or towards the four cardinal points, because
according to esoteric accounts of those priests, four of seven were 28 and
twenty-eight days make up the lunar cycle. Those old priests
blew the big drum of thunder and dragging dried hides of animals around the
area of the cave and threw flaming arrows into the sky. And shortly after the
space thundered furious thunder and lightning blinded to the animals of the
forest and aquatic species that lived in rivers. It rained in torrents and the
storm raged on the cave for many days and nights and there were times when
Huitizilac and rivers of butterflies, Papaloapan overflowed water and silt
covering the banks and causing huge disasters. And the hides crept higher the
noise produced torrents and the more you hit the large ceremonial drum, the greater the noise
of thunder, the more lightning meant more flaming arrows.
passed ...
one day arrived at the place groups of people dressed in a unique way, bringing
different customs, and other laws and other religions. They said to come from other lands beyond
the great sea of turquoise and both men and women and children, had the
characteristic of always smiling as if they were beings Happy earth and maybe that was because joy
after suffering a thousand hardships in stormy waters of a sea had seizure finally reached the tropical coasts, where
there was everything, and fruits such as game animals, water and beautiful
settled in that place that they named in their language and themselves Totonacan
Totonac said. But the priests, the seven
priests of the cave of thunder were not consistent with the invasion of
foreigners brought with them a great culture and went to the cave to produce
thunder, lightning and torrential rains
and downpours to amendrentarlos.
rained heavily for several days and nights, until someone realized that these
storms caused the seven sorcerers, the seven priests of the cave of
thunder. Do not be friends of the
violence, the Totonac boarded a small ship and giving them water supplies and
threw them into the turquoise sea where they were lost forever.
now it was necessary to master these gods of thunder and rain to avoid the
disaster of the Totonac people newly established and met for the effect sages
and priests and gentry and decided that nothing could be done against these
forces we now call simply natural and it would be better worshiping and
reverence, worship these gods and beg
that they were magnanimous to people who had just escaped from a monstrous
disaster. And in that same place where
he had the temple and the cave and practiced the cult of the god of thunder,
the Totonacas or men smiling up the amazing temple of Tajin, which in their
language means the place of the storms. And not only worshiped the God of
Thunder but begged for 365 days, as has the number of niches
invoking the good weather at certain times of year and the rain, when it is necessary
to fertilize the crops. Now stands this
beautiful temple known worldwide as a pyramid or temple of El Tajin, where
curiously seem to be generated and thunder storms and torrential rains. Thus
was born the pyramid of El Tajin, built with reverence and respect for the God
of Thunder, worshiped by those people who lived long before the arrival of foreigners,
when the world seemed to come into existence.
said that seven priests met together desert land and time to cultivate and grow
sembras seven times and said that invoking the deities of the time and they
used to shout chants to the cardinal points because they said that four of
seven were twenty-eight days make up the lunar cycle. Those old priests sounded
the drum of thunder and they used to drag dried animal skins thundered time
very strong and very bright lightning abia rained too many nights and many
centuries later arrived in groups with other genera dek great sea of
turquoise remained in that place Totonac priests but those noestaban
satisfied with that one day lightning lightning and rain occurred but one day
realized that the rains caused the sorcerers those